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you can make the banner as short or as long as you want by controlling the spacing. you can see i styled it by putting the faux banner again. click that and when you type, the text will automatically go to the side of the picture. it’s the wrapping image feature on google doc. click the image now SELECT THAT SECOND OPTION.INSERT → IMAGE → UPLOAD FROM COMPUTER or just drag your image into the google doc. i also put a little left indent to make it centered. now unlike the first table, you’d want to change the cell background table to one of the accent colors. to get that wide gap / gutter space between the table content, you want to make the table border as big as possible (i made mine 6pt), then change the border color to background color if you want it to be invisible.i’m going to show you my table formatting again, so formatting and stylizing is an important thing in order to make that pretty google doc™.for seven, it’s another table! you guessed it! changed the color so you can see the table (again) notice the difference to the first table? i only stylize the text using the same technique as before and pressed TAB to make that little indentation.


i choose a different font as well because ~accent~, feel free to keep it the same if you want! you just pick a bigger text size for the numbers.

  • FIVE that big accented numbering! it’s just simple…no trick around it.
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    make sure to hide that period mark though. highlight it, but this time pick a different font color because we actually want it to show up. BEFORE you started styling your heading however, make sure to change it from normal text to whatever heading you want it to be (in my case, i pick heading 3). as you can see, i use the trick i’ve explained in point one above. done! for the other headings, you can repeat the process.FORMAT → LINE SPACING → remove space before paragraphs and remove space after if you only do this, then you’ll be left with a huge gap above and below the heading. then i changed the text size to one, then i changed the color to the background color.

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  • THERE YOU ARE! so what i do is, i typed RULES, i changed it to HEADING 1 a.k.a the biggest heading in google doc.
  • So do you see that little white scribble on top of GENERAL? no? let’s zoom in.


    now notice on the left, i have everything laid out neatly? you can see from the preview where the generals / interactions / etc is but where are the other markings? RULES? INFORMATION? BIO VER I & II? VERSES? part four will cover that as well as how to make the rules banners. that’s it! we’re done! as you type your content, your text will automatically be separated into two. it’s simple! before you start typing anything, make sure to go to FORMAT, then click columns. how to make things separate into two sections. i want it to look compact and not padded, so i put 0.005 for mine. and the cell padding to whatever you like. be sure to go to FORMAT → TABLE PROPERTIES, then change the table border to 0pt. FOUR, i also put a period mark at the end of the text (with ample spacing between) in order to achieve that banner look. now the trick is to put a little letter / punctuation mark at the very end of where you want the line to end or else it won’t show up. pick a highlight color, then change the text to the same color as the highlight color. you can just make a solid color banner in your photoshop but i’m going to teach you how to achieve this in google docs. if you prefer 1.5 spacing, then ignore this step. first things first, click CONTROL/COMMAND+A then FORMAT , LINE SPACING , then choose ‘single’. there are FOUR PAGES IN TOTAL and we’ll be going through it one by one. I’ve gone ahead and finished the template first. paragrahps style ( format → paragraph styles).Tools that we’ll be using A LOT in this tutorial: if you’re feeling wild and want to do a different color for every page, click THIS SECTION and repeat procedure for every page you want a different color for. for those with multiple pages, you should see something like the image on the right hand-side. click the color that you want or just leave it white if that’s your aesthetic™. for the sake of this tutorial, i’m going to color my document page GREY. i hope you enjoy this tutorial and as always, please like and reblog if you find this useful !!ġ. in this tutorial, i will explain how to make every single thing that’s happening in this google doc. it’s a docs template for independent single-muse blogs. THISis the template that i made for the sake of this tutorial. WARNING : THIS TUTORIAL WILL BE IMAGE HEAVY ! i originally was just going to explain this to a friend on discord but some others popped up wondering how to edit a google doc, so i’ve decided to make this tutorial in case anyone out there is wondering about this as well.

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