But as you rescue hostages, new weapons like rocket launchers, flamethrowers, bouncing shots, Molotov cocktails, and a shotgun are at your disposal. At the beginning, you’ve only got a gun and a few grenades, which isn’t going to be enough. There are four characters to choose from: Marco, Eri, Tama, and Fio. You are a one-man army whose mission is to squash the rebellion. Vive los combates ms fieros, lucha contra las mquinas de guerra. Coincidir con los resultados de la bsqueda: 0 Metal Slug, el clsico de las maquinas de arcade Neo-Geo llega a Minijuegos con su versin para navegador y en todo su esplendor. A power-hungry group of renegades has teamed up with aliens, and together they are planning to assume control of the planet. Resumen: Artigo sobre METAL SLUG juego gratis online en Minijuegos.

En esta versin de Metal Slug X Marco, Eri, Tarma y Fio estarn listos para la accin, con su arma lista con municiones y las granadas que puedan recolectar en el camino. Seguramente no necesitas muchas explicaciones de como jugar este divertido juego clsico. Metal Slug X sets the stage for you to save the world. No busques ms y entra en la web lder de juegos de Metal slug online desde el ao 2005 LOS MEJORES JUEGOS DE METAL SLUG 100 GRATIS ESTN EN JUEGOSDIARIOS.COM Las cookies nos permiten ofrecer nuestros servicios. Si quieres jugar el juego de Metal Slug X original gratis aqu lo tienes.
Jugar metal slug online gratis series#
One of the most highly praised titles in the series among Metal Slug fans for its refined balance and game volume, heads out to the Steam gaming platform! “METAL SLUG X”, a masterpiece in SNK’s emblematic 2D run & gun action shooting game series, still continues to fascinate millions of fans worldwide to this day for its intricate dot-pixel graphics, and simple and intuitive game controls. METAL SLUG X”, one of the most highly praised titles in the series among Metal Slug fans for its refined balance and game volume, heads out to the Steam gaming platform!