Halma ken san jose lyrics
Halma ken san jose lyrics

Reith ASSISTANT EDITORS Fuller Clarkson Margaret Wilson Honeywell Chester Leroy Isaacson MANAGER Wilson Meyer ASSOCIATE MANAGERS Vera Lillian Christie J hn Ritchie McKee William Griffiths Pillsbury THE UNIVERSITY Olin Wellborn III, Editor Leo Roy Moody, Assistant Editor THE COLLEGE YEAR George Magee Cunningham, Editor John O Melveny Ruth Benjamin Walker Heber Spencer Steen Catherine Helene Woolsey ATHLETICS Arthur Reihl Wilsor, Editor Charles Franklin Harper Carroll Hutchinson Smith Preston Edward Snook MINOR ATHLETICS Paul Wilbur Masters, Editor Orville Robert Caldwell Blanche G.

halma ken san jose lyrics

#Halma ken san jose lyrics trial#

NOW IN A PERIOD OF UNMEASURED TRIAL WE FOLLOW HIS LEADERSHIP IN THE GREATER SERVICE OF THE NATION CONTENTS THE UNIVERSITY The Campus - Regents - In Memoriam - THE COLLEGE YEAR Illustrated College V : r Rallies - Danres - ACTIVITIES Military Publication Debates - DRAMATICS Extravaganzas and Faroes - Campus Productions Authors and Co-Authors ORGANIZATION Student Body Organizations - Athletic Organizations Alumni Organizations - Religious Organizations Debating Societies Departmental Societies Music - HONOR SOCIETIES - ATHLETICS Football - Basketball - Baseball - Track - Crew - Tennis - Minor Sports - Women ' s Athletics - CLASSES rs - Juniors - Sophomores Freshmen - FRATERNAL ORGANIZATK NS Fraternity Statistics Fraternities. TO HIRAM WARREN JOHNSON OF THE CLASS OF 1888 UNITED STATES SENATOR FROM CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR OF THE STATE AND REGENT OF THE UNIVERSITY 1911-1917 AT A CRITICAL TIME IN THE HISTORY OF OUR PUBLIC AFFAIRS, HE LED THE PEOPLE OF CALIFORNIA IN SECURING EFFECTIVE GOVERN MENT IN A REINVIGORATED DEMOCRACY. We sincerely hope that our successes may serve as an aid and our mistakes as a warning to the editors who will have in their hands the fates of the Blue and Golds which are to follow in the future. If we have but assembled a partial mass of material which has been gleaned from the happenings of the past college year and have presented them in an interesting and coherent manner, then our efforts have not been in vain. Consequently, we have endeavored to be as con- cise as possible, eliminating those things which have appeared as extraneous. We have further realized that a book of this kind may be easily and unknowingly overdone, and supersaturated with uninteresting and irrelevant material, thus evading the pri- mary purpose for which it was intended that is, a record of the college year. In gathering together the material which has gone to make up this volume we have realized that there is no end to the matter, both printed and half-toned which might be forced in between these covers. If anyone has been offended by either the former or the latter, we beg forgiveness. On the other hand, it may be that too much lead or copper has been expended upon some happening- some individual or his or her name. True it is, that there are many incidents, personalities, indeed names which do not even appear on these pages.

halma ken san jose lyrics

That it is not a complete record we have no doubt. jFor us once more tije splenbor anb tije pain Breaming tfje olb toorlb tremijles at our feet Caggarb ' 18 FOREWORD IN THIS, the 1918 Volume of the BLUE AND GOLD, it has been our utmost aim to consolidate into as few pages as pos- sible a record of the past college year a record, that we, who are Juniors now, may keep and cherish more and more as the years go by, which may be refer red to in after life as a true re- minder of the fading reminiscences of our college days. let us see tfje e tranquil ijilte again, jf og4aben trees, ti)e ligijteb ftometoarb Street, let us not Seek our former pears in bain, Het us finb poutl) unspoileb, anb libing stoeet. later generation toill erase breamer anb tfje boer anb tlje beeb. toil! come to u tofjo fail to trace breams toe breameb go certain to succeeb.

halma ken san jose lyrics halma ken san jose lyrics

REITH AND WILSON MEYER PRINTED BY SUNSET PUBLISHING HOUSE COLOR WORK BY INDEPENDENT PRESS ROOM Olf Caisf ?2T!$i!S BEING A RECORD OF THE COLLEGE YEAR 1916-1917 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA v PUBLISHED BY THE JUNIOR CLA5S IN vl- toe are olb anb toorn toitf) pears, toe ' ll reab recorb of our poutf), tfje bap, tfte place toe toill suit our memorp to our neeb, long=forgotten name to tabeb face. Text from Pages 1 - 690 of the 1918 volume: “ Unw, ot Calll Withdrawn yffm COPYRIGHT 1917 BY JOHN L.

Halma ken san jose lyrics